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Suprematism was an Art Movement of the Modernist period that was established by the Russian Artist - Kazimir Malevich. He gathered around him a number of usually Russian artists who followed the ideals of Suprematism, based on the aim of producing "pure Art". This meant that the art was purely abstract and not based on a false representation of realism. The ultimate expression of this was Malevich's piece, which consisted of simply a black square - totally devoid of any attempt to represent any representation of a real object. This was therefore pure art.


Later the style was to influence Russian Constructivists as well as ( through El Lissitzki ) the Bauhaus and De Stijl Movements of Western European abstract tradition. In turn Suprematism was seen very much as a development of elements of Cubism and the Italian Futurist movements.


For further information and examples of the work of the Suprematists, watch the video below.


Other Videos of interest related to Suprematism

(c) 2017 The Digital Modernist

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