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Cubism was art artistic movement of the early 20th century. It began with the collaboration and partnership between Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in Paris. around 1907. They got together after seeing the work of Paul Cezanne. This was tempered by the influence of African Art and the work of Henri Matisse. These various elements were then brought together in the piece "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" by Picasso in 1907. This was widely seen as a sea change in the portrayal of natural objects from the western traditions of objectivity. This was taken a step further by Georges Braqu in 1908 with his exhibition in Paris, after which the term "Cubism" was used more generally. 


Cubism - a video by "philinthecorner"


The History of Cubism - a video by AP Art History

El violin by Georges Braque 1911
Simultaneous window on the city by Robert Delaunay  (1912)
Harbour in Normandy by Georges Braque  1909
three-musicians by Pablo Picasso 1921
on-the-beach by Pablo Picasso 1937
Portrait of Picasso by Juan Gris (1912)
Woman on a Horse by Jean Metzinger (1911)

(c) 2017 The Digital Modernist

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