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Modernist Artists

Modernism, as an Art Movement, covers a period of 100 years. During that period the styles within it changed and grew. Individual artists were around for long periods within that time and not surprisingly they developed their own styles which also changed and developed through their lifetimes. It is for this reason that in this section of "The Digital Modernist" we make no attempt to categorise individual artists within a single sub genre of art during the Modernist era. What all the featured artists share is a belief that art should reflect its context in terms of time, technology and society. They are all committed to a break with the classical constraints of previous centuries and have a concern for expressing emotion rather than merely realism and seeing meaning in their work that goes beyond the reproduction of a scene for future generations.

Tulio Crali - The Stregnth of the Curve 1930
Edvard Much - The Scream
Nicolai Suetin 1
Theo van Doesburg - Rythm of a Russian Dance  1918
Piet Mondrian
Van Gogh - Self Portrait
Mucha, Zodiac
Bauhaus Archiv
Don Quixote by Pablo Picasso (1955)
Roy Lichtenstein - Sweet Dreams Baby
Rene Magritte - Faces
Salvador Dali - Persistence of Memory
The Musician's Table by Georges Braque
Accompanied-Center by Wassily Kandinsky  1937
la-rue-des-bois by Pablo Picasso  1908
Violin and Raisins
on-the-beach by Pablo Picasso 1937
On-White-II by Wassily Kandinsky  1923
still-life-with-chair-caning by Pablo Picasso 1912
sylvetteby Pablo Picasso 1954
Capricious by Wassily Kandinsky 1930
Artworks from Key Modernist Artists
Capricious by Wassily Kandinsky 1930
White-Dot by Wassily Kandinsky  1923
Yellow-Red-Blue by Wassily Kandinsky  1925
Bustling-Aquarelle by Wassilly Kandinsky  1923
Accompanied-Center by Wassily Kandinsky  1937
On-White-II by Wassily Kandinsky  1923
White-Zig-Zagsby Wassily Kandinsky  1922
Small-Dream-in-Red by Wassily Kandinsky 1925
Green-And-Red by Wassily Kandinky  1925
Artist of the Month
Wassili Kandinsky

(c) 2017 The Digital Modernist

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